Virtual Indicative Broadband over Power Lines Topologies for Respective Subclasses by Adjusting Channel Attenuation Statistical Distribution Parameters of Statistical Hybrid Models (Class Maps) - Part 3: The Case of Overhead Transmission Power Grids

Athanasios G. Lazaropoulos


In [1], [2], the theoretical framework and the numerical results concerning the class mapping of overhead and underground medium voltage broadband over power lines (OV and UN MV BPL) topologies have been presented on the basis of the recently proposed initial statistical hybrid model (iSHM), modified statistical hybrid model (mSHM) and class map definition procedure. In this paper, all the recent findings regarding the statistical channel modeling and class mapping are first applied to transmission BPL networks; say, OV high voltage (HV) BPL topologies. The numerical results of OV HV BPL networks are compared against the respective ones of OV and UN distribution networks revealing significant similarities and differences. Finally, the impact of considering minimum or maximum capacity value instead of the average one during the definition procedure is investigated as well as the behavior of the total simulation time of class mapping.

Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2019). Virtual Indicative Broadband over Power Lines Topologies for Respective Subclasses by Adjusting Channel Attenuation Statistical Distribution Parameters of Statistical Hybrid Models (Class Maps) - Part 3: The Case of Overhead Transmission Power Grids. Trends in Renewable Energy, 5(3), 282-306. doi:


Smart Grid; Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) networks; Power Line Communications (PLC); Distribution Power Grids; Capacity; Statistics; Modeling

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