Statistical Channel Modeling of Overhead Low Voltage Broadband over Power Lines (OV LV BPL) Networks - Part 1: The Theory of Class Map Footprints of Real OV LV BPL Topologies, Branch Line Faults and Hook-Style Energy Thefts
Due to the significant volatility of Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) networks regarding their circuital and topological characteristics, channel statistical modeling recently gains special attention from the BPL communications engineers. Among the recently presented channel attenuation statistical models, initial statistical hybrid model (iSHM) and modified statistical hybrid model (mSHM) have been theoretically defined and applied to overhead medium voltage (OV MV), underground medium voltage (UN MV) and overhead high voltage (OV HV) BPL networks so far. Apart from the iSHM and mSHM definition and application, the theory of the definition procedure of new virtual distribution and transmission BPL topologies, which describes the phases towards defining statistically equivalent BPL topologies and topology subclasses to the real indicative ones, has been demonstrated as well as the class maps, which are 2D capacity contour plots with respect to the channel attenuation statistical distributions (CASDs) parameters of iSHM and mSHM.
In this pair of papers, iSHM, mSHM, the definition procedure of new virtual BPL topologies and the class mapping are first applied to overhead low voltage (OV LV) BPL networks. Based on the class maps and the BPL topology database of Topology Identification Methodology (TIM), the required theory for illustrating the footprint of the real OV LV BPL topologies is first presented on class maps in this paper. On the basis of the class maps and the BPL topology database of Fault and Instability Identification Methodology (FIIM), the required theory for illustrating the footprint of the OV LV BPL topologies with branch line faults is first identified on class maps in this paper. On the basis of the class maps and the BPL topology database of hook style energy theft detection method (HS-DET method), the required theory for illustrating the footprint of the OV LV BPL topologies with a hook style energy theft is first demonstrated on class maps in this paper.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2020). Statistical Channel Modeling of Overhead Low Voltage Broadband over Power Lines (OV LV BPL) Networks - Part 1: The Theory of Class Map Footprints of Real OV LV BPL Topologies, Branch Line Faults and Hook-Style Energy Thefts. Trends in Renewable Energy, 6(1), 61-87. doi:
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