Statistical Channel Modeling of Overhead Low Voltage Broadband over Power Lines (OV LV BPL) Networks - Part 2: The Numerical Results of Class Map Footprints of Real OV LV BPL Topologies, Branch Line Faults and Hook Style Energy Thefts
In [1], the theoretical framework for the interoperability of DHM, iSHM, mSHM, the definition procedure and the class maps has been first presented for OV LV BPL networks. But the main interest of the first paper has focused on the theory of the OV LV BPL topology footprints of TIM, FIIM and HS-DET method on the class maps.
In this paper, the numerical results concerning the application of iSHM, mSHM, the definition procedure and the class maps to OV LV BPL networks are first shown. Then, given the iSHM and mSHM class maps, the footprints of TIM, FIIM and HS-DET method databases for the OV LV BPL topologies are highlighted. Finally, a technique for the detection of branch line faults and hook style energy thefts that is based on iSHM and mSHM footprints is proposed.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2020). Statistical Channel Modeling of Overhead Low Voltage Broadband over Power Lines (OV LV BPL) Networks - Part 2: The Numerical Results of Class Map Footprints of Real OV LV BPL Topologies, Branch Line Faults and Hook Style Energy Thefts. Trends in Renewable Energy, 6(1), 88-109. doi:
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