Mathematical Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Array Configurations with Partial Shaded Modules
Solar-based photovoltaic (SPV) cells produce power from sunlight through the photovoltaic effect. The yield voltage of a single PV cell is small, so the voltage is extended by interfacing PV cells in series arrangement known as PV module or panel. Solar PV array comprises of series and parallel connections of modules in the grid structure with a few columns and rows. The various kinds of SPV array configurations or topologies are shaped by changing the number of electrical connections between module to module in an array. This paper presents the mathematical examination of 6×6 size regular SPV array configurations, including Total-Cross-Tied, Parallel, Honey-Comb, Series-Parallel, Series, Bridge-Linked types beneath un-shading case, and different proposed shading cases (primarily short narrow, short wide, long narrow, and long wide shadings). The electrical proportionate circuit of the SPV array setups was analyzed by Kirchhoff’s laws at distinctive nodes and loops in a sun powered PV array. The location of global maximum power point (GMPP) was determined hypothetically and distinguished in Matlab/simulation software at various shading conditions.
Citation:Â Raju, V.B., and Chengaiah, C. (2020). Mathematical Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Array Configurations with Partial Shaded Modules. Trends in Renewable Energy, 6, 121-143. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2020.6.2.00115
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