Business Analytics and IT in Smart Grid - Part 1: The Impact of Measurement Differences on the iSHM Class Map Footprints of Overhead Low-Voltage Broadband over Power Lines Topologies
Due to the smart grid (SG) operation, the power utilities are dealing with a cataclysm of big data that demands advanced information technology (IT) infrastructure and business analytics while one cause of this growth is the nature of the power grid operation that demands real-time measurements. In [1], [2], the theoretical framework and the numerical results for the interoperability of Deterministic Hybrid Model (DHM), initial Statistical Hybrid Model (iSHM), the definition procedure and the class maps have been presented for the overhead low-voltage broadband over power lines (OV LV BPL) networks as well as the iSHM footprints. On the basis of the five real indicative OV LV BPL topologies of [1], [2], the impact of measurement differences that follow either continuous uniform distributions (CUDs) or normal distributions (NDs) of different intensities is first highlighted on iSHM footprints.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2020). Business Analytics and IT in Smart Grid - Part 1: The Impact of Measurement Differences on the iSHM Class Map Footprints of Overhead Low-Voltage Broadband over Power Lines Topologies. Trends in Renewable Energy, 6(2), 156-186. doi:
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