World on the Road to 100% Renewable Energy
In the study, the current and future status of renewable energy resources were compiled in the light of large databases of national and international renewable energy institutions, and the latest situation in the world in the transition to 100% renewable energy was examined. The extent of the goal for the transition to 100% renewable energy has been determined, and predictions have been made based on all this information. In today’s world where energy and environmental problems are on the agenda, countries’ transition to renewable energy is the primary solution. This goal is called the transition to 100% renewable energy, which brings advantages such as providing needed energy and producing clean energy. Today, renewable energy sources account for more than one-third of the global energy capacity, and the world is rapidly moving towards 100% renewable energy. Compared with 2017, the total amount of renewable energy in 2018 increased by 181 GW, and the number of countries with an increase in the proportion of renewable energy increased. Taking into account the external dependence of the use of fossil fuels and environmental issues, this development is at a promising level in the future. In order to shift from highly polluting oil resources to natural gas and renewable resources, this article aims to investigate the current global energy transition trends, and then propose some important strategies to get closer to upstream goals and obligations in this way.
Citation: Norouzi, N., and Fani, M. (2021). World on the Road to 100% Renewable Energy. Trends in Renewable Energy, 7, 114-126. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2021.7.1.00132
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