Energy Conversion and Conservation Technology in Facing Net Zero-Emission Conditions and Supporting National Defense

Abdi Manab Idris, Nugroho Adi Sasongko, Yanif Dwi Kuntjoro


Conversion technology is a solution that was born to solve energy problems and human needs. Without energy, all human activities ranging from households and jobs to the industry cannot work as they should, but energy conversion that uses conventional fuels will cause new issues such as climate changes. Therefore, energy conservation is very important for sustainability and energy saving. So, by reducing energy use, the pollution produced will decrease. This paper focuses on the introduction of energy conversion and conservation technology based on a qualitative literature review to deal with net-zero emission conditions. The conversion technology is environmentally friendly and efficient, and is committed to following the international Net Zero Emissions (NZE) agreement, renewable energy conversion technology and new technologies (fuel cells) to meet Indonesia's defense equipment and defense needs. Indonesia's energy use (2019) consists of oil 35%, coal 37.3%, gas 18.5%, hydropower 2.5%, geothermal 1.7%, biofuel 3%, and other renewables at nearly 2%. In 2013 Indonesia's recoverable shale resources obtained a value of 8 Billion Barrels. Because of that the total CO2 emissions resulting from energy use in Indonesia are 581 MtCO2 in 2019. Efforts to fulfil Indonesia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) continue to be carried out, so that Indonesia's target is to enter a state of net-zero emission by 2060. Fuel cell technology has the potential to be applied in the Indonesian National Army, because of its relatively small size, light weight, zero-emission, high specific energy and zero-noise.

Citation: Idris, A., Sasongko, N., & Kuntjoro, Y. (2022). Energy Conversion and Conservation Technology in Facing Net Zero-Emission Conditions and Supporting National Defense. Trends in Renewable Energy, 8(1), 49-66. doi:


Energy Conservation; Conversion Technology; Net Zero Emission; Supporting National Defense; Fuel Cells Technology

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