A Promising Path toward a Net-Zero Clean Energy Future in Africa and Southeast Asia

Eyime E Eyime, Unoh Florence Ben


This paper explores strategies for a rapid transition to net-zero energy in Africa and Southeast Asia through renewable energy sources. The study analyzes the current energy landscape and challenges faced by these regions, focusing on opportunities for economic development based on renewable energy generation, specifically solar PV and wind energy. The results show that an increase in renewable energy generation in Southeast Asia resulted in a comparable rise in renewable energy supply, electricity generation, and overall energy supply between 2021 and 2022. In Africa, an increase in renewable energy generation from 201-210 TWh demanded an increase in renewable energy supply, electricity generation, and overall energy supply between 2021 and 2022. Southeast Asia exceeded Africa in terms of solar PV generation in both years, with a share of 38-45 TWh, while Africa achieved a lesser proportion of 14-16 TWh in solar PV generation in the historical scenario. The same incremental trend was observed in both the stated policy scenario and the announced pledged scenario for both Africa and Southeast Asia in 2030 and 2050. According to the analysis, Africa produced a higher fraction of total wind energy production at 23–25 TWh, compared to Southeast Asia, which reported 9–14 TWh under the historical scenario between 2021 and 2022. However, according to the announced pledged scenario, Southeast Asia is predicted to outperform Africa in wind energy output between 2030 and 2050. However, by 2050, Southeast Asia is forecast to vastly outperform Africa in terms of wind energy output, with a staggering record of 1207 TWh compared to Africa's estimated 593 TWh. The authors propose five potential solutions to the challenges of renewable energy supply in Africa and Southeast Asia, based on the International Energy Agency's forecast between 2030 and 2050. These include exploring solar energy advancements, floating turbines, wave energy converters, ocean thermal energy conversion systems, energy storage and thermal energy solutions, and IoT integration for energy efficiency enhancement. The authors emphasize the need for long-term solutions and suggest policy implications for sustainable scenarios that encourage environmentally sound behaviors, drive economic growth, and promote social development. These scenarios include integrated resource planning, market liberalization, government incentives, and capacity-building.

Citation: Eyime, E., & Ben, U. (2024). A promising path toward net zero energy in Africa and Southeast Asia. Trends in Renewable Energy, 11(1), 52-83. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2025.11.1.00186


Renewable energy; Sustainable development; Decarbonization; Energy transition; Cutting-edge strategies; Net-zero transition

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2025.11.1.00186


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