Characterization, Modification and Application of Biochar for Energy Storage and Catalysis: A Review
Biomass can be converted to biofuels and bioproducts via thermochemical processes. Biochar is one of the major products of thermochemical conversion of biomass. The efficient use of biochar is critical to improving the economic viability and environmental sustainability of biomass conversion technologies. Applications of biochar for both agricultural and environmental benefits (e.g. as soil amendment, for inorganic pollutant removal) have been studied and reviewed extensively. However, biochar for energy storage materials and catalytic applications has not been widely reviewed in the recent past. This review aims to present the more significant recent advances in several biochar utilizations such as catalysts and supercapacitors. Discussions on biochar production technologies, chemistry, properties, characteristics, and advanced functionalization techniques are provided. It also points out barriers to achieving improvements in the future.
Citation: Xiu, S., Shahbazi, A., & Li, R. (2017). Characterization, Modification and Application of Biochar for Energy Storage and Catalysis: A Review. Trends in Renewable Energy, 3(1), 86-101. doi:
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