Towards Sustainable Development: A Review of Green Technologies
In recent years, climatic changes, global warming, energy depletion and other environment-related concerns have led to the emergence of green technologies. Researchers believe that the increase in the level of sustainable development will result in sustainable economics and societies. It will also have a very positive impact on sustainability in the future. Technical advancements in the modern society mark human creativeness and innovations. However, those technologies have resulted in the disruption of ecology from local to global level. Green technologies have a promising future in meeting the needs of economic sustainability. But, environmental and social sustainability factors need to be reinforced in a mutual manner. Both environmental and economic impact and efficiency of a technology should be analyzed before the implementation of technologies. It should be a win-win situation when economic and sustainable growths are highly emphasized. This paper reviews green technologies and discusses the challenges faced in advancing and implementing green technologies and trends that lead to sustainability. The paper also delineates regulatory policies and finance-related issues.
Citation: Shaikh, Z. A. (2017). Towards Sustainable Development: A Review of Green Technologies. Trends in Renewable Energy, 4(1), 1-14. doi:
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