Main Line Fault Localization Methodology (MLFLM) in Smart Grid - The Underground Medium- and Low-Voltage Broadband over Power Lines Networks Case
This paper assesses the performance of the main line fault localization methodology (MLFLM) when its application is extended to underground medium- and low-voltage broadband over power lines (UN MV and UN LV BPL) networks, say UN distribution BPL networks. This paper focuses on the localization of main distribution line faults across UV MV and UN LV BPL networks. By extending the MLFLM procedure, which has successfully been applied to overhead medium-voltage (OV MV) BPL networks, the performance assessment of MLFLM is investigated with respect to the nature of the main distribution line faults, the intensity of the measurement differences and the fault location across the main distribution lines of the underground distribution power grid (either MV or LV grid).
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2017). Main Line Fault Localization Methodology (MLFLM) in Smart Grid - The Underground Medium- and Low-Voltage Broadband over Power Lines Networks Case.Trends in Renewable Energy, 4(1), 15-42. doi:
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