Broadband Performance Metrics and Regression Approximations of the New Coupling Schemes for Distribution Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) Networks
This paper assesses the broadband performance of overhead (OV) and underground (UN) low-voltage (LV) and medium-voltage (MV) broadband over power lines (BPL) networks when the new refined Coupling Scheme module (CS2 module) is adopted. The broadband performance of distribution BPL networks is assessed in terms of their Average Channel Gain (ACG), Root-Mean-Square Delay-Spread (RMS-DS), Coherence Bandwidth (CB) and Spectral Efficiency (SE). Also, corresponding regression approximations (i.e., UN1, UN2 and UN3 approaches) are given in the examined BPL frequency range. The aforementioned broadband performance metrics of the application of CS2 module are compared against the relative ones of the vintage CS1 module and of MIMO channels. The analysis and relevant numerical results outline: (i) the important improvement of the aforementioned performance metrics and regression approximations when CS2 module is applied in distribution BPL networks instead of CS1 module; and (ii) the universal role of UN1, UN2 and UN3 approaches for describing coupling scheme channels and MIMO ones.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2018). Broadband Performance Metrics and Regression Approximations of the New Coupling Schemes for Distribution Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) Networks.Trends in Renewable Energy, 4(1), 43-73. doi:
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