Detection of Energy Theft in Overhead Low-Voltage Power Grids - The Hook Style Energy Theft in the Smart Grid Era
This paper investigates the possibility of detecting the hook style energy theft in the overhead low-voltage (OV LV) power grids when the smart grid conveniences are available. On the basis of the broadband over power lines (BPL) technology and the proposed method of the detection of the hook style energy theft (HS-DET method), a plethora of different scenarios concerning the hook style energy theft is considered so that the performance of HS-DET method can be assessed. The impact of OV LV BPL topologies, hook characteristics and measurement differences on the performance of HS-DET method is mainly assessed through appropriate metrics, such as derivative metrics of percent error sum (PES). Finally, appropriate contour plots against the hook style energy theft are proposed revealing the efficiency of HS-DET method against any relevant threat in any conditions.
Citiation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2018). Detection of Energy Theft in Overhead Low-Voltage Power Grids - The Hook Style Energy Theft in the Smart Grid Era. Trends in Renewable Energy, 5(1), 12-46. doi:
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