Virtual Indicative Broadband over Power Lines Topologies for Respective Subclasses by Adjusting Channel Attenuation Statistical Distribution Parameters of Statistical Hybrid Models (Class Maps) - Part 1: Theory
Based on a set of indicative overhead and underground medium voltage broadband over power lines (OV and UN MV BPL) topologies, initial statistical hybrid model (iSHM) and modified statistical hybrid model (mSHM) are statistical channel models suitable for the distribution BPL networks. Both iSHM and mSHM statistically process channel attenuation and capacity values of assumed indicative OV and UN MV BPL topologies by exploiting channel attenuation statistical distributions (CASDs). iSHM exploits a set of well-known CASDs (i.e., Gaussian, Lognormal, Wald, Weibull and Gumbel CASDs) while mSHM exploits the Empirical CASD. Each indicative OV and UN MV BPL topology acts as the representative one of a respective OV and UN MV BPL topology class (i.e., rural, suburban, urban and aggravated urban class) that consists of a number of respective statistically equivalent OV and UN MV BPL topologies. The contribution of this paper is the theoretical framework presentation of the creation of new virtual indicative OV and UN MV BPL topologies by appropriately adjusting the parameters of iSHM and mSHM CASDs. These new virtual indicative OV and UN MV BPL topologies will enrich the respective today's OV and UN MV BPL topology classes with respective OV and UN MV BPL topology subclasses while each subclass will be enriched by a number of respective statistically equivalent OV and UN MV BPL topologies. The procedure of defining new virtual distribution BPL topologies by applying iSHM and mSHM will allow a better capacity study of OV and UN MV BPL topology classes. Apart from the definition procedure of the virtual indicative OV MV and UN MV BPL topologies and their respective virtual subclasses by adjusting CASD parameters of iSHM and mSHM, the contribution of this paper is the class map that analytically describes the taxonomy of distribution BPL topology classes and subclasses.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2019). Virtual Indicative Broadband over Power Lines Topologies for Respective Subclasses by Adjusting Channel Attenuation Statistical Distribution Parameters of Statistical Hybrid Models (Class Maps) - Part 1: Theory. Trends in Renewable Energy, 5(3), 237-257. doi:
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