Effect of Hydrogen Injection Flow Rate on the Performance of In-Cylinder Direct Injection Hydrogen Engines
When a hydrogen internal combustion engine uses intake manifold injection to supply hydrogen, it must face the contradiction of abnormal combustion (premature combustion, backfire, etc.). The occurrence of abnormal combustion such as backfire can be avoided by using in-cylinder direct injection of hydrogen. In this paper, the In-Cylinder Direct Injection single-cylinder engine is modified, a three-dimensional simulation model is established, and simulation tests using AVL-Fire software on this basis is conducted. Through the analysis of the research results, the optimal hydrogen injection flow rate for the direct injection hydrogen engine to achieve the best power and economy under different working conditions was obtained. The results show that: under the same speed and load, the increase of hydrogen injection flow rate increases the hydrogen injection speed, which promotes the turbulent motion in the cylinder. At the same time, with the increase of hydrogen injection flow rate, the maximum pressure, temperature, indicated power and indicated thermal efficiency in the engine cylinder generally show a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, and there is an optimal hydrogen injection flow rate value.
Citation: Ma, H. (2024). Effect of hydrogen injection flow rate on the performance of in-cylinder direct injection hydrogen engines. Trends in Renewable Energy, 10(3), 266-282. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2024.10.3.00177
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2024.10.3.00177
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