Transient Analysis of Quasi Oppositional Based Lightning Search Algorithm Optimized PID Controller in Isolated Small Hydro Power Plant
In this paper, Small Hydro Plant (SHP) of 1.3 MW is simulated with two conventional PID controllers in excitation system and governor to enhance the capability to handle the transiency of the generator. Excitation voltage control and turbine speed control are the two basic control schemes, to regulate reactive power or terminal voltage and real power or frequency respectively. The selection parameters of the PID controllers are significant to enhance the performance of the system. Quasi Oppositional BaseÂÂd Lightning Search Algorithm (QOLSA) is validated in this paper to optimize the PID controllers over LSA and PSO. Renewable energy source like SHP is environment friendly and very imperative to meet the vigorously growing load demand. The simulation of the SHP is established in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Finally, QOLSA optimized PID controller contributes better control in terminal voltage and power over LSA and PSO algorithms. Â
Citation:Â Kaushaley, S., and Shaw, B. (2018). Transient Analysis of Quasi Oppositional Based Lightning Search Algorithm Optimized PID Controller in Isolated Small Hydro Power Plant. Trends in Renewable Energy, 4, 34-43. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2018.4.3.0048
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