Enhance the Output Power of a Shaded Solar Photovoltaic Arrays with Shade Dispersion based TCT Configuration
Partial shading has a negative impact on the performance parameters of a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) array, because it shades certain panels while leaving others un-shaded. This article focuses on modeling, comparing and performance assessment of 6×6, 6×5 and 5×6 size shadowed solar PV arrays under different partial shading cases in the MATLAB/ Simulink software. For this purpose, the simulation of series-parallel (SP), Total-Cross-Tied (TCT) and proposed shade dispersion based TCT (SD-TCT) type of array configurations was carried out under few shading cases. The proposed SD-TCT was designed using the shades dispersion technique, which is based on a number logic approach. In this technique, in order to effectively remove the row-current mismatches in the TCT PV array configuration, the shaded and un-shaded modules in an array were re-arranged, so that the shading on modules expands across the whole array. The physical placement of the TCT array modules has been reordered in accordance with the proposed number logic pattern exclusive of altering the electrical links among the panels. The simulation results showed that the performance of the SD-TCT type was superior to that of conventional array configurations.
Citation: Bala Raju, V., and Chengaiah, C. (2021). Enhance the Output Power of a Shaded Solar Photovoltaic Arrays with Shade Dispersion based TCT Configuration. Trends in Renewable Energy, 7, 1-23. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2021.7.1.00128
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2021.7.1.00128
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