Current Status of Research on Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines
In this paper, the research on biodiesel or blending with other fuels is reviewed. Based on the current status of biodiesel research, this paper introduces the current research progress, combustion and emission characteristics, blending with other fuels, and development direction of biodiesel. The combustion, emission, and spray of biodiesel are not exactly the same as diesel, so it is not suitable to be used directly in diesel engines. Biodiesel can be blended with diesel, ethanol, ammonia and other fuels to improve its power performance and reduce harmful emissions. This review can serve as an important reference for those who want to engage in biodiesel research, and a quick understanding of biodiesel research before.
Citation: Liu, G. (2022). Current Status of Research on Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines. Trends in Renewable Energy, 9(1), 11-21. doi:
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