Operation of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Two-Phase Induction Motor by Using 3-Leg Voltage Source Inverter
The importance and demand of renewable energy have increased rapidly, especially due to the fact that the fossil fuels are reducing at an alarming rate. Out of the existing sources of renewable energies, solar energy has been very popular due to obvious abundance and convenience. The predominant use of electrical energy is heating, ventilation and air conditioning in residential and industrial sector. Single phase induction motor is widely used for such low-power appliances like pumps, compressors, agriculture equipment’s and blowers. In order to avoid losses and low-starting torque, we intend to use the single-phase induction motor as an asymmetrical two-phase induction motor, which will run on a two-phase supply yielding better efficiency, speed control and power factor. If a three-phase supply is available, Scott-T transformer can be used to get two-phase supply. However, if there is only single-phase supply available, two-phase inverter with Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) technique can be used. This paper presents the method for two-phase supply using the 3-leg voltage source inverter (VSI) which is used to supply asymmetrical and symmetrical two-phase induction motor. The 16 bit microcontroller dsPIC is used for SPWM signal generation.
Citation:Â Umredkar, S. V., Junghare, A., and Renge, M. (2018). Operation of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Two-Phase Induction Motor by Using 3-Leg Voltage Source Inverter. Trends in Renewable Energy, 4, 64-76. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2018.4.3.0057
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2018.4.3.0057
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Copyright (c) 2018 Sheetal Vishal Umredkar, Abhishek Junghare and M. M. Renge

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