Designing Broadband over Power Lines Networks Using the Techno-Economic Pedagogical (TEP) Method - Part II: Overhead Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage Channels and Their Modal Transmission Characteristics
Based on the techno-economic pedagogical (TEP) method proposed in [1] that is suitable for designing Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) networks in transmission and distribution power grids, this paper examines the broadband potential of overhead low-voltage/broadband over power lines (LV/BPL) and medium-voltage/broadband over power lines (MV/BPL) networks.
In this paper, on the basis of the set of linear simplifications and techno-economic metrics already presented in [1], TEP method demonstrates to undergraduate electrical and computer engineering (ECE) students the behavior of overhead LV/BPL and MV/BPL networks in terms of their modal transmission characteristics when different overhead LV/BPL and MV/BPL topologies occur.
The contribution of this paper is four-fold. First, the factors influencing modal transmission characteristics of overhead LV/BPL and MV/BPL networks are investigated with regard to their spectral behavior and
end-to-end channel attenuation. Second, the impact of the multiplicity of branches at the same junction is first examined. In the light of cascaded two-way power dividers, TEP method is extended so as to cope with more complex BPL topologies offering a new simplified and accurate circuital approximation. Third, apart from the broadband transmission characteristics of the entire overhead distribution power grid, a consequence of the application of TEP method is that it helps towards the intraoperability/interoperability of overhead LV/BPL and MV/BPL systems under a common PHY framework in the concept of a unified distribution smart grid (SG) power network. Fourth, TEP method can be demonstrated to undergraduate ECE students as case study in order to stimulate their interest for Microwave Engineering and Circuit/System Engineering courses.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2015). Designing Broadband over Power Lines Networks Using the Techno-Economic Pedagogical (TEP) Method - Part II: Overhead Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage Channels and Their Modal Transmission Characteristics. Trends in Renewable Energy, 1(2), 59-86. doi:
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