Reconfiguration technique for Optimization of the Photovoltaic array output power under partial shading conditions
A partial shading condition is a case under which the PV array is exposed to many problems such as losses of the output power of the PV array, and the PV array has more than one maximum power point (MPP), which makes it so difficult to track the MPP. This paper presents the effect of different partial shading patterns on PV array characteristics and the effect on the output power of the PV array, and provides a comparative literature review on methods to mitigate these effects and the drawbacks of these methods. It also proposed a new reconfiguration strategy that increases the output power of the PV array by 13.8 % from the total power under shadow condition, and a new technique for enhancing the output power of the PV array by 20 % of the total power under fully illumining conditions by controlling the switch matrix between the photovoltaic array and adaptive batteries bank. This paper gives a solution for the problem of the difficulty of tracking the MPP, because the proposed strategy makes only one MPP. The simulation was carried out by using MATLAB Simulink under different shading patterns.
Citation:Â Mohamed, A. M., Saafan, S. M., Attalla, A. M., and Elgohary, H. (2018). Reconfiguration technique for Optimization of the Photovoltaic array output power under partial shading conditions. Trends in Renewable Energy, 4, 111-124. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2018.4.2.0068
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ahmed M. Mahmoud, Salah M. Saafan, Ahmed M. Attalla, Hamdy Elgohary

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