Special Cases during the Detection of the Hook Style Energy Theft in Overhead Low-Voltage Power Grids through HS-DET Method - Part 2: Different Measurement Differences, Feint “Smart” Hooks and Hook Interconnection Issues
On the basis of [1] and [2], this paper investigates the possibility of jamming the method of the detection of the hook style energy theft (HS-DET method) that is used for the detection of the hook style energy theft in the overhead low-voltage (OV LV) power grids. Three more sophisticated scenarios, which have been revealed in [2] and are the evolution of the three main suspicious issues of [1], are further investigated in this paper. The detection efficiency of HS-DET method is assessed by using the already validated percent error sum (PES) submetrics and appropriate contour plots.
Citation: Lazaropoulos, A. (2018). Special Cases during the Detection of the Hook Style Energy Theft in Overhead Low-Voltage Power Grids through HS-DET Method - Part 2: Different Measurement Differences, Feint “Smart” Hooks and Hook Interconnection Issues. Trends in Renewable Energy, 5(1), 90-116. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2019.5.1.0083
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2019.5.1.0083
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