Theoretical Design of Energy Generating Gymnasium Pull-down Machine for Green, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Production
New technologies are being invented and energy demand is increasing. Growth of population has always been and will remain one of the major causes of energy demand. Science is therefore looking for new major and minor energy resources to keep world in progress. The main focus of energy engineering and technology in the field of energy generation is to harvest energy by any mean from any source. A theoretical research is introduced in this paper which will contribute its reasonable share in the field of renewable and green energy sector. This energy generating system is named as energy generating gymnasium system (EGGS). The core idea behind this energy harvesting system is that, the human being is also a source of renewable energy and it is possible to harness electrical energy from people by the use of EGGS. Human energy is wasted when excessive calories of body are burnt during exercise in gymnasiums to achieve the desired fitness. EGGS will provide an opportunity to return expended energy in the form of electrical energy from gymnasium equipment and cardiovascular machines. This electrical energy will be cheap and also green since it will not emit any carbon dioxide (CO2) gas during the process. This system can increase the potential of renewable energy area and the electrical energy generated from EGGS can be sold back to the national utility via micro grids (MG). The proposed system will be very beneficial for such countries that are facing energy crises as well as the third world countries. Authors have discussed a gymnasium machine named as “Pull-down machine†and proposed a theoretical modification to make it as an energy generating gymnasium machine (EGGM) in the presented research.
Citation:Â Saeed, M., Saleem, I., and Iqbal, F. (2019). Theoretical Design of Energy Generating Gymnasium Pull-down Machine for Green, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Production. Trends in Renewable Energy, 5, 47-59. DOI: 10.17737/tre.2019.5.1.0086
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Copyright (c) 2019 Musharraf Saeed, Ifrah Saleem, Farhat Iqbal

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