A Review of Hydrothermal Carbonization of Carbohydrates for Carbon Spheres Preparation
Carbon spheres have attracted a great deal of attention due to their applications as super capacitors, catalyst supports, and adsorbents. Carbon spheres can be prepared with controlled size and with oxygenated functional groups on the surface by the hydrothermal carbonization. The further processed products have a high surface area and high thermal stability. Among various methods for fabrication of carbon spheres, the hydrothermal carbonization is favored because of its mild operating conditions. In addition, hydrothermal carbonization can synthesize micro or nano scale carbon spheres environmentally friendly without employing organic solvents, surfactants, or catalysts. In this review, we present the effects of process parameters, structural characteristics of carbon spheres, possible formation mechanisms of carbon spheres, and applications in catalysis.
Citation: Li, R., & Shahbazi, A. (2015). A Review of Hydrothermal Carbonization of Carbohydrates for Carbon Spheres Preparation. Trends in Renewable Energy, 1(1), 43-56. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.17737/tre.2015.1.1.009
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